Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Fight the good fight!

Written by 
Salome Akwi

I walked into a salon and as I waited for my turn, one client was busy on Facebook having what seemed like a fight with another person. She was reading loud the responses of the other person and kept asking the Hair dresser what she should reply. I couldn’t help realizing that the other person was a lady who seemed to be going out with someone’s Husband. The response of the other lady was confident and aware that she was the second and that she knew all about the first wife. Hmmmmm???
One response caught me “Stop fighting me, my husband told me everything…Find what to do!”
This lady responded “I’m not fighting, just wondering how you called him your husband…I don’t remember a marriage ceremony after all it seems I am your sister in-law.’
Ooh! So she isn’t the first wife? Then who is she and why is she…? I wondered to myself. Then another lady walked in and she was briefed quickly of what transpired. It so happened that this was the “First wife” and these seemed to be sisters/friends helping her fight. “First Wife” talks about how she was praying and saw a vision of her husband coming back home kneeling before her. In my head am thinking “Alas some sense is now at play” I am wondering how about the husband, is he “Innocent”?

After a short while a car pulls over and an elderly woman steps out and walks into the salon. They called her “Mummy” and they knelt and greeted her with respect. “First Wife” and “Mummy” share a private conversation in low tones for about 5 minutes. “Mummy” too has come to be styled up. “Sister in-law” leaves the chair for “Mummy”. Hair dresser asks “Mummy” if “First Wife” has told her what is happening. “Mummy” says ‘yes a little’ but she seems not keen to indulge and concentrates on her face. It threatens to rain and I get an excuse to run home to remove my clothes from the wire.

When I returned after about one hour or so, these ladies where still at it even in the absence of “Sister in-law" and “Mummy” It has taken another turn “Second Wife” has blocked all of them and has deleted all the Facebook posts shared. WHOAH! The fight is on. Now “Hair dresser” advises “First wife” to call another lady who seems not to have entered the brawl yet to post on "Second Wife's" wall. It seems like they are rounding up sisters and friends to take part in bringing down “Second Wife” they know all about her even the foundation she owns or heads??

To my amazement “First Wife” obeys every suggestion “Hair Dresser” gives. In my mind I am wondering I thought she is already down on her knees! “Hair dresser further suggests “Let’s post on Husband’s Facebook wall…let’s post a picture of the two of them together. Let him know that we know!  In fact we shall even send it to Beat FM and show her that she can’t stop us”
OMG??? How far are these ladies ready to go… “First Wife” is in agreement of everything. My head is screaming Lady Stop it! Stop It! When my hair gets down I take courage and tell her.

“Lady I don’t know the whole story BUT stop fighting that fight! Women like us fight on our knees, we cry out to God and he fights for us! You said you are Praying to God…Leave it to God he knows best! You are listening to voices around you but by the end of the day it is you and your Husband not others! What you are doing is not right… Just continue praying, God will see you through!” I blurted out without hesitation.
“Yes you are right…see my knees are now black, I am praying Mary will see me through!” she responds to me.
“I am talking from experience, fighting like that will not solve anything…JUST LEAVE IT TO GOD!!” and I walked out of the salon.

I felt an abnormal relief in my heart. I didn’t care what would be said behind my back once I left. Is this how so called “Christian women” fight? Is this how Hannah fought? Is this how Esther became Queen? Is this how Ruth landed on Boaz? Is this how Leah stayed in a Loveless Marriage yet from her came a linage of Jesus?

It is very painful, I understand firsthand how much; but GOD knows Best. Everywhere I turn women are crying over the same thing, women are killing each other over men, indulging in Witchcraft over men, mistreating innocent children over men etc. REALLY? As Believing Christian women have we not been taught that God is the giver of everything, that we should cast our burden onto Jesus?
God can turn any situation around, and he assures us that the battle is his…all you have to do is give your battles to him Period! Be Blessed You all!

Enjoy with me!!!

Friday, 30 November 2018

Hate Not!

Written by 
Salome Akwi

Many times I wonder why people hate others so much even without a reason; the more you keep a meaningless grudge in your heart the less productive you become. Some hate others because their friends or associates hate the person; how embarrassing it can be if you are asked the reason and you have no answer. Along the way, I have learned to let go and let not external factors affect my day just because there is nothing I can do about it but I choose to be happy in whatever way I deem worthwhile, even if it means shutting out that person. Life has a way of reconnecting people, so make peace when you still can, because Life is Short!

Enjoy With Me!!

Monday, 26 November 2018

Never Look Back

Written by 
Salome Akwi

It is good to be Back! I needed a break to refocus. Challenges come and go; through them we grow in mind and they teach us to appreciate the journey that life takes us. One of them i have learned is NEVER TO LOOK BACK! Be blessed as you read this.

Enjoy with me!!!

Friday, 7 September 2018

Know your Limits as an employee

Written by Salome Akwi

When you are employed by someone, it means that you have to obey them no matter what. When you are employed by a friend, sometimes it is very easy to cross the line without realizing it. When it comes to personal issues, sometimes you may assume that you are talking to your friend but what you don’t realize it that, at that moment friendship does not apply; business is priority. It may seem like you are undermining them because, to you they understand your issue and you think they will always do. Wrong! No one will totally understand you and never expect them to cross the stormy seas for you all the time. At that moment they too care about making a profit, it is personal to them too, so who wins?
Sometimes you may assume that the extra effort you put in the company with developmental ideas and excellent performance is a gateway to a favor when that crucial personal issue emerges. It will not count because your emergency is irrelevant as it adds no value to the company. When you are caught between making that decision, choose wisely where your commitments lie; only that sometimes that personal issue cannot be postponed.
The penalty falls on you and you take it gladly. All is all a BOSS is always right! No matter how tight your friendship is, separate them so you can keep both relationships working. Remember as long as you are their employee trade carefully what personal things to share, for it might be taken like they are doing you a favor to employ you not knowing that your skills have kept you there in the first place.

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Mood Swings

Written by Salome Akwi

We walked along the street from church, she saw a toy that she had been describing to me for some time and wanted it.
‘Mummy! Buy for me that toy which has a girl seated on a “Pikii-Pikii”’ she pointed.
‘Not now, Little Blue! I will buy it next time,’ I responded as I led her away.
She continued asking and pointing as we made our way to the Park. She pinched and scratched my hands; she struggled to set herself free from me and wanted to walk on her own through the park. Of course I could not let her, until we entered the taxi where, she burst out crying uncontrollably. 

Some passengers asked what was wrong, and wondered if she feared the taxi or that she might be hungry, she clung to my chest and buried her head still crying loudly.
‘Ehh! does she still suckle?’ One man asked in surprise.
‘No!’ I answered in amusement.
‘Stop it Little blue! Stop it!’ I told her as I tried to make her sit upright, all in vain; she held me even tighter. I couldn’t take it anymore and with anger, I spanked her even when I knew that I shouldn’t.
‘No! leave her, don’t beat her!’ some passengers spoke out in unison. They continued murmuring as others still insisted that she was hungry; I alone knew why she acted that way. I leave the imagination to you.
‘You think she is young, she is a big girl, she deserves it!’ a lady passenger next to me with a child too, lashed out in defense of my action.
‘Little Blue, keep quiet! Here, eat your popcorn!’ her brother tried to soothe her too.
‘Let her just cry, let her cry! she will keep quiet on her own,’ a gentleman behind me advised.

So I did that. She later kept quiet and asked for popcorn which I gave her. She even accepted to sit upright when I told her to. After a short distance, the lady passenger reached her destination and I got out so she could get out with ease, of course with Little Blue. When some curious passengers realized that she was a ‘girl’ and a ‘big girl’ for that matter, one guy shook his head in amusement and smiled at her. She smiled back like nothing had happened. We just burst out in laughter because that is all it was ‘Amusing’, she took her juice and acted like a normal child again. OMG!! 

Confucius puts it in simple words.
Amidst all this drama, all that is running in my mind is how i can help my daughter out grow this phase of her life. I am doing the best i can and i have vowed that no embarrassing situation  is going to deter me from walking thing journey with my kids. With God, Nothing is Impossible!!!

Enjoy with me!!!

Monday, 2 July 2018

Signs of Child Trauma

Written by Salome Akwi

It is not easy to reveal something so personal to the public but if it will save some child out there, I will proceed.

I will call my daughter “Little Blue”, She is 4 years old and is the most affected due to the fact that she is too clingy. She doesn’t let go off my hand and sometimes she still cries when I drop her off to school. When I pick her, she is so glad and smiles from ear to ear, I see a 2 year old; it is as if she is saying “Mummy,I thought you would not come for me.”  

She was away from me just for about six months only, but it seems like years; that short time under another woman’s wing created a deep void in her. When she wants something she will not stop asking until she gets it, if it means to cry, she will cry and follow me around, start pinching me while demanding for that thing even if she shouldn’t have it. She doesn’t obey instructions at all. When I spank her, she will open her mouth so wide while clinging to me. 

I then respond by hugging her while telling her that ‘’Mummy loves you very much okay! You are a big girl now, you are not a baby okay! You are a good girl and good girls listen to their mummies okay!” she nods, as I stroke her then she keeps quiet. 

What really happened to this child? One moment she did something so strange, she cried and as she I was consoling her she instead fixed her hand swiftly into my blouse for my breast saying she wanted to suckle. “Oh my God! Really? ” This amused me yet saddened me at the same time.                                                                                                                                                 To be Continued…

PHOTO by Salome Akwi Once a Rose, always a Rose. No matter what is engulfing it, it will stand out. 

The lesson I learnt so far is that nothing will engulf my children as long as I am their Mother, it is my duty to remove what ever thorns have pricked them. It may not necessarily be a step mother, it may be a maid, friend, Aunt, Uncle or anyone you trust who is doing things to your child. PARENTS, Be very VIGILANT on your kids. Yes. Mothers you have to work But your kids need you too!

Enjoy with me!!!

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

One Day at a time with my traumatized children

Written by Salome Akwi

These few weeks have taught me other things I never knew about my kids; from the moment they came back to me, it was like I had never really been with them. They were totally different from the last time we were together. I pondered on how to deal with them, because their behavior was over the roof; after closely examining them, it brought me to the realization that my children after all may be traumatized following the confusion they went through with different parenting skills. It hit me so hard that I have decided to seek a different approach that will revert to sanity. All the signs are shouting out for me to do something about it.

It is said, “When two elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers.” Many times, the repercussions are seen too late, that nothing can be done. I would not want my children to view me as the aggressor as I strive to impart discipline using the wrong approach. I have embarked on getting information that will help me deal with them appropriately.

I am happy that so far it is working, at least I see a change and I am glad about it. It is a rough journey but deep inside I feel joy and unexplainable satisfaction.     
Challenges come in different forms and dealing with them sometimes requires creativity that is out of this world. Some things that may seem simple are actually the most difficult to handle but, who says they can’t be handled? That’s why in all these, I will stick to my Lord like Glue because he alone can see me through.

PHOTO by Salome Akwi An artistic presentation  always does
me good when i need o clear my head.

Enjoy with me!!

Friday, 8 June 2018

Do good to others

Written by Salome Akwi

“Do unto others what you want them to do for you” Luke 6:31  As simple as it may seem, many people don’t grasp the concept and let pride, arrogance, ignorance, greed etc over shadow the way they handle others. The life cycle is the same for everyone, even if you are born with a silver spoon in your mouth; we all face the same challenges of fear, courage, failure, grief, ambition etc.

If you are a Boss, how professionally do you treat your employees? If you have a maid at home, how humanely do you treat her? If you are Married, how affectionate are you with your spouse? If you are a Businessman/woman, how candid are you with your customers? If you are a Stepmother/Stepfather, how compassionate are you with another Woman’s/Man’s child?

In all these scenarios, if you are ruthless, uncompromising, voracious, demining to your subordinates, then remember that you may find yourself at one point in your life passing through the hands of those very people you mistreated or under looked. If you show kindness, then you will definitely get it where ever you go and you will never get stranded in your life.

Before you verbally or physically abuse someone, cheat your business partner/customers undermine your employees, grab someone else’s land/property/spouse/child/business etc, always remember that someone else will do it to you double. Same as when you treat others right, you will also get double blessings. So, where do you fit?

PHOTO by Salome Akwi. Just as attractive as this flower looks, is the same way
people should be attracted to you; no wonder it caught my eye.
It does not require you to be a rocket scientist  to treat people well but it is a personal decision to adopt to treating someone else right. Above all, it is fulfilling.

Enjoy with me!!!

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Forget about the closed doors

Written by Salome Akwi

Every day in our lives, doors are shut behind us. Many times we waste time trying to reopen them not knowing that nothing will ever change and that you may be plunging yourself deeper in to the ravaging sea.

Many of us spend time crying over the past and pondering on what would have been; no matter how marvelous you imagine things would be, they will never change anything in your life. Whatever door was shut in your life e.g. Job, Friend, business deal, marriage etc. It was never meant for you.

When you start focusing on what is in front of you, and forget those things that you thought made your world, you will realize sooner that they were instead retarding your progress.  You start to see doors opening and discover that you have untapped potential just waiting to be utilized. Quickly, you will see your world transformed to greater heights that you wouldn’t have reached while you were in your past life.

It is said, “Every dark cloud has a silver lining”. That is true, all you have to do is find your silver lining and when you do, all the darkness will fade away instantly.

PHOTO by Salome Akwi It is until you observe keenly that you see a water duck swimming
in a distance enjoying itself.

So where do you see yourself in all these? Just remember that God has a better plan for you and that he promised to make your life BRAND NEW! so go and embrace it now!

Enjoy with me!!!

Friday, 1 June 2018

Let it be!

Written by Salome Akwi

When I was younger, I used to be bothered by simple little things which I could do nothing about by the end of the day like a rainy morning, traffic jam, people’s obnoxiousness etc. But now life has taught me many things among which deals with that issue; I have learnt to ignore those voices that add no value to me. I stopped complaining about things that nature has purposed even when they squeeze the air out of me. I have learnt to Let it be!

So what, if somebody tells you he/she doesn’t need your friendship anymore? It is their loss because they didn’t see the Treasure in you. So what, if your boss doesn’t appreciate your every effort you put in their company? You can have your own company. So what, if your business fails? You can start another one. So what, if you are rejected by your spouse and thrown out like a dog? You can get another better spouse. So what, if you have lost everything? Forget about them, you will get better things.   

YOU still have LIFE, and that is the most Important thing. Your next move can bury all that pain if you choose to let it be and move on without looking back. Fresh Starts are always the best because you think clearly; know that you are a person of Worth and you are in-charge of your own destiny. 
Above all, always remember that there is a God who strengthens you…all you have to do is put your Trust in him. 

PHOTO by Salome Akwi Even in maturity, there is another bud sprouting within
this flower, more vibrant and stretching out to the sunlight.
That is the definition of life; even in your situation there is always a new opportunity that you need to explore, tell yourself that you can do it, that you can rise above the heights! Let God be your Guide!

Enjoy with me!!

Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Act Like a Rose

Written by Salome Akwi

A Rose is a woody perennial flowering plant of the genus Rosa; The name Rose comes from French, itself from Latin Rosa. There are over a hundred species and thousands of cultivars and form a group of plants that can be erect shrubs, climbing or trailing with stems that are often armed with sharp Pricklesthat many of us refer to as “thorns” Flowers vary in size and shape and are usually large and showy, in colours ranging from white through yellows and reds.

I have always wondered why a Rose, beautiful as it is has prickles all around the stem and yet the Rose shoots out without any scratch. Nature has a way of preserving every species on this earth by giving each a unique defensive mechanism. In this case, Prickles in Roses are Nature’s way of protecting themselves against plant-eating animals since the flowers produced by rose flowers are extremely aromatic and naturally attract herbivores. Also, prickles protect them from being trampled over.  
They also allow the Rose to "hook onto" other plants for support especially for the climbing rose that goes up into a shrub or tree; Note that there is no way it could do that without the “thorns.”
When I look around me, I see prickles and actual thorns all in different forms; Daily life challenges like failed businesses, failed friendships, failed marriages, rejection, luck of money, betrayal, sickness, joblessness, childlessness, loss of loved ones, despair etc. These challenges each varying from individual to individual and however horrific they are, exist in order to Lift You up not to pull you down.   

Let not these challenges drown your dreams but use them to excel in your life because bad situations always come purposely to Push you to another level. Also keep in mind that nothing in life can be Accomplished without Hard work, Perseverance, Endurance and Pain. To sum up the saying, “NO PAIN, NO GAIN”  

PHOTO by Salome Akwi No matter the odds surrounding it, a Rose always stands out,
this batch caught my attention even in the darkness.

If you spend all your time talking about your challenges, that is all you will ever do But instead, talk about how you are going to overcome them and be the only ray of light in the dark. Act like a Rose.

Enjoy with me!!!

Monday, 28 May 2018

Remember where you started from

Written by Salome Akwi

It is said, ‘Behind every successful man, there is a woman…’ yes a woman could be a mother, wife, friend, grandmother etc but those that are devoted and see the potential that nobody else does. They will stop at nothing, until they have made something out of you. Whichever finished Item that is displayed on the supermarket shelves, has passed through many hands and a woman never misses out.

Majority of men who have become successful in life always mention a woman in the back ground but often times, these women are forgotten when the time comes for reaping. When some people are elevated to higher positions in life, something happens to them. It is as if a hidden character in them breaks out and they become the total opposite of what they were.

It is also said, ‘What goes up must come down…’ so, as you are up there enjoying your life oblivious of those that helped you get there, remember that what bursts a bubble is a tiny little prick and everything comes crumbling down.

PHOTO by Salome Akwi. I Was curious about the skill of millet harvesting
and this hand at work is of  someone's grandmother.
Nothing ever comes to play without a woman's touch...After all it is her duty to be a caretaker!

Enjoy with me!

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Expel the bad feeling in you now!

Written by Salome Akwi

A lot of things can make you unhappy at least for a while, sometimes it takes a long time depending on what the issue is; if not checked anxiety sets in. It all depends on how you handle it. 

Some people decide to Isolate themselves, others choose to be Obnoxious, others take long Nature walks and look at God’s creation, some people Travel the countryside enjoying the cool breeze and others Pray about it. Whatever method you choose to use to resolve your problem, is up to you. 

Personally, sometimes to clear my head, I travel the countryside away from everything that is congesting my mind and causing me heartache. You will be surprised at what i find along the way! The effect it leaves in me is so exhilarating.   

PHOTO by Salome Akwi A part of Owen falls  Dam at the Jinja Bridge, a once in a lifetime moment. 

A minutes' glimpse of this view, eliminates a junk of ill feeling you are keeping inside of you. This does wonders for me and i always come back relieved of all that is weighing me down!

Enjoy with me!!!

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Life Goes On

Written by Salome Akwi

When you observe plants, it is amazing how they coexist; all the stages of plant development intertwined in a space. Every plant seems to know when to shoot up, blossom, ripen and dry up yet seeing this in unison is beautiful. That’s what life is about; everything has a beginning and an end just like seasons, they come and go yet they keep reoccurring.

Ever wondered why babies are born every day? Why People die every day? Different generations are living in one community? With that in mind, there are those who Love you and those who hate you, those who respect you, those who admire you, those who despise you etc. It is because Life Embraces all Circumstances, and when this doesn’t happen then something is definitely wrong. As long as you call yourself human, you have to pass through all the stages of life; the only difference is being able to acknowledge it and making your way through to the finish line.

Now, for you who seem to be stack in a certain phase of your life and refusing to adjust to the surroundings and realities around you, then all you have to do is Accept that Life Goes on. If you are still crying over something you lost like a Job, Marriage, Baby, Friend, Property etc, Stop It!! because a better one awaits you.  Go for it!

PHOTO by Salome Akwi Every where i look i see God's hand, these plants caught my
attention and has set me to another level of understanding.  

Coexistence is vital for life to be because all situations need the other to be, whether good or bad. so embrace Life as it comes and enjoy whatever Phase you reach and try not to get Fixated on one.

Enjoy with me!!!

Sunday, 20 May 2018

Take off your Wrath

Written By: Salome Akwi

It is very difficult to forgive someone who has hurt you but it is made simple through the help of the Holy Spirit if you ask. When you call yourself a child of God then “Never be bitter, angry or mad. Never shout angrily or say things to hurt others. Never do anything evil.” Ephesians 4:31

We are surrounded by all these voices of Vengeance and Unforgivingness and it seems okay because we think that person doesn't deserve your forgiveness. But you are hurting yourself instead, you are missing blessings when you hold on to that hurt. You are the one suffering silently and eventually it will show in the physical when you start dodging the person or making a face when you meet them. The other person is living their life and you are not, so who wins?

It all stars from one thing Wrath. When you let it live in you, then you are giving the devil chance to use you. Bitterness prevents you from forgiving so, make it a habit before the end of the day. Let it go!! Sing a Praise or Worship Song if you can or Say ‘Holy Spirit help me!!

As children of God, “Be kind and loving to each other. Forgive each other the same way as God forgave you through Christ,” Ephesians 4:32. Simple, right? Only if you try.  Jesus also teaches that, “…if  you forgive others for the wrongs they do to you, then your Father in heaven will also forgive yours wrongs. But if you don’t forgive others, then your Father in heaven will not forgive the wrongs you do.” Matthew 6:14-15

PHOTO by Salome Akwi A beautiful Sunset in Suula Bukedea

Tell yourself NOW that no anger or bitterness will live in you the whole day. So that you can enjoy your life without stress. Obedience is key. Try it out and you will see how a weight will be lifted off your chest.

Enjoy with me!!!

Friday, 18 May 2018

Find your Focus

Find Your Focus
Written by Salome Akwi

Have you ever had an overflow of ideas that you want to tryout one by one? It is good to experiment on ideas and dreams as it is the only way you will know whether it is a vital business or not. Are you among those that go with “band wagon”  doing things that everybody is doing because it is the “in-thing” and it brings quick riches or because all your friends are doing it?

It is always good to think something through before embarking on it; set a foundation for your idea such that when you have a hiccup you will not crumble and fall flat. Weigh the options and know your target market so that you are a step ahead, anticipate challenges and prepare for them when they hit you, so that you are able to sail through when others are closing shop.

Best of all, believe that you can do it; that you can run this business without fear even if everybody around you thinks you will not make it. What they don’t know is that you have found your focus and let it shine through!

PHOTO by Salome Akwi Every flower is unique in its own way and all radiate a different feeling inside of us.

Just like this image, all that catches attention is the bright flower because it is what matters at that moment. So let you idea shine its way out of the obscurity it is surrounded with and make a firm foundation. Remember also, that God is the Author of Ideas; take a minute and ask him to guide you!

Enjoy with me!!

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

I see a bright day ahead of me

I see a bright day ahead of me
Written by Salome Akwi

Many times in this adult life of mine, I have woken up not sure of how the day will be because a gloom was present in my midst. Everywhere I looked, nothing seemed to work out; it was as if the minute hand of the clock had stopped ticking. It seemed I was locked up in this tower, so high that no one could reach me nor would I reach them. With no aid in perception I trained my inner self that I had to crash these walls and break free of all that was holding me hostage. 

I am FREE now, because I understood that I have a destiny to fulfill and that God designed every Single day to be enjoyed with Jesus Christ to remind me that he Loves me and the Holy Spirit to guide me. So whatever is clouding your morning, be it Sickness, Joblessness, Heartbreak, Divorce, Neglect etc just make sure that the fire inside of you burns through it all.

PHOTO by Salome Akwi I woke up to this beautiful misty morning in Suula Bukedea
This picture inspires me to appreciate each day as it comes; misty as the morning is, the Sun has penetrated the horizon and in a short while the mist fades away. So be resilient like the Sun and don’t drown in your worries, but walk through them with a smile because your mist will fade away without you even noticing it.  

Enjoy with me!!

Monday, 14 May 2018

The Lone Voice

The Lone voice
Written by Salome Akwi
When you remain silent as injustice is exercised, you are as guilty as the perpetrator. When someone is wrongly accused and you know the facts, speak out no matter the consequences because if you don’t, then your conscience will never let you rest. 
Maybe in your neighborhood, things keep getting lost and everyone starts complaining and pointing fingers to the wrong person, yet you know that your own son/daughter is the guilty party. Find a way to expose them so that the innocent person is relieved and your child may get redemption through the shame. 
You may witness a step child being mistreated in the absence of the father, speak out let the truth be known so that the child is liberated. You hear a deadly plot against someone you know is completely innocent, please warn that person secretly because you will have saved a life. Acts of bravery are difficult to perform but very possible only if you choose to be that Lone voice.
These injustices are various and happen right in-front of us; they may seem minor but it affects the society in which we live. 

PHOTO by Salome Akwi: I was watching the Sunset in (Suula, Bukedea) my village
and could resist to capture this memory.  

So, even when the world is falling apart around us, there is always something special in the vicinity just waiting to be noticed and appreciated. I have this saying that i tell myself "Call Me Bad for the Right Thing" This, helps me speak out even if all the voices around me are silenced by fear. So Rescue someone Today and Don't be Afraid to be that Lone Voice.

Enjoy with me!!

Sunday, 13 May 2018

You just have to work

You Just Have to Work
Written by Salome Akwi

Sometimes, I wonder why people waste so much time plotting to take away what belongs to someone else. A person toils day and night trying to make an honest living and be a man in front of his wife and children BUT someone is watching and waiting to rob, con, grab and kill for that which he has managed to accumulate. Do you know that you can get your own if you work? God clearly says he will bless the works of your hands. To me, it means only one thing; you have to actually physically work and put those beautiful ideas in action then you will be blessed. Quick money goes as fast as it came. Planning to do evil takes a lot of time, if you could just put that time in strategizing your business Idea, then you will not live the rest of your life looking over your shoulder or envying what others have earned.

PHOTO by Salome Akwi A view of lake Victoria 

When i capture such a moment, it always amazes me how God created all these Beauty; all we have to do is just put a little effort and make something out of our lives by working hard just like our Father in heaven.

Enjoy with me!!

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Put a smile on someone's face today

Put a Smile on someone’s face today
Written By Salome Akwi

How it feels good, to wake up to a face smiling down at you and spreads throughout your household, neighborhood, your workplace and wherever you may be. It doesn’t matter whether you are acquaintances or strangers, you are the instant beneficiary.

Whatever your action will be is up to you, whether you choose to give them a buck, pay their transport fare, share your lunch, give a clothe/shoe/tie, engage in a simple conversation and ask how they are, visit a sick person and hold their hand and tell them a comforting word, or join some kid in his/her game. It is up to you, but your life will not be the same again once you see the reaction in that individual’s face, that smile is satisfactory enough to make it a habit for you to make someone happy even if it is just for a second.   

Everyday A Stranger puts a Smile on my face too! And that brightens up my day. Nature does it for me as well and I choose to share it with you, who is reading this piece. God gave us gifts so that other people benefit, as you too benefit from other people’s Gifts; so let sharing be part your daily bread.

PHOTO Salome Akwi (Kachumbala Rocks, Bukedea, Uganda 
These rocks captivate me every time i travel home to my village; it is always a sight i look forward to seeing! Let's share my happy moments, because God has availed it to me Freely!

Enjoy with me!!!

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Make the best out your life


Written by Salome Akwi
Life is like a flower placed in your hand; it is up to you to do whatever you like with it. You can display it the way it is, without value added or choose to manipulate it and make it a head turner. You can choose to immerse it in a water jar and look at it all day till it dies or pluck it and give it to someone special. You can make a painting out of it and earn a buck or throw it away; whatever you do with it describes how you live your life. How do you use what is in your disposal?

PHOTO Salome Akwi I took this shot from a thicket but Manipulated it into my own creation.
I look at everything presented to me, as an opportunity to better myself whether negative or positive, i try to turn it round to benefit me or those around me. God does everything for a purpose, so don't take life for granted, it is too short to lay to waste.

Enjoy with me!!

Monday, 7 May 2018

Words have Power

The Power of Words
Written by Salome Akwi
Words are very powerful and the way we use then can build or destroy you. When you utter negative words about yourself, then you are condemning yourself to a miserable life. It does not matter what people say about you, what matters is what you think of yourself; if you believe you are an entrepreneur then say you are and do it no matter how many times you fail, keep at it as long as you believe you can do it. When an idea hatches in  your mind, write it down and look for ways to make it come alive. Whatever you aspire to be, tell yourself that you are that and take action. Always remember that words go with action because it is the only way you will prove yourself, first before the outside sees credit in you.  GOD gave GIFTS to each one of us for a purpose, find out what yours is and then sow.

This wild plant like any other, has a purpose even if the appearance stops you from touching it; but when you pick it up and look closely, the inner beauty and hidden treasure in it overrides the outside.
So bring out what's in you with positive words first.

Enjoy with me!!!

Sunday, 6 May 2018

Therapy 3 Anger

Therapy 3 Anger
By Salome Akwi

Anger is blinding and it can lead you to do something you would never do in your normal senses. Let go off that pain in a different way. Silence is the best way, it is difficult but possible. Wake up to this view and focus your anger there and see if you will hurt this beauty, learn to control your anger in the best way that can soothe you...

Photo Salome Akwi. This is one of my collections that i used to calm myself every morning.
Enjoy with me!!

Thursday, 3 May 2018

Learn to extinguish hate

Learn to extinguish hate
By Salome Akwi

At times we feel an intense dislike about Something/Somebody because of the bad things they have done to us; but you cannot live your life carrying this hatred in your heart forever. It is not healthy physically and emotionally and it retards your progress. Why would you carry a hateful spirit, when you are surrounded by all this beauty given for free? All you have to do is find it and let your thoughts wander away. Pick anything; Insect, flower, stone, leaf, animal whatever Nature avails to you at that moment.

I spotted this butterfly one afternoon on my wall, pretty isn’t it? I saw a work of art to satisfy my visual senses as well as tickle my creative side. I saw myself dressed in a “Kitenge” of this exact print, I also saw a framed picture on the wall in my living room and I could also write a poem about it. Wow! So many ideas of just one little butterfly, how about 10 different butterfly species at the same time? What reaction would you get?  

PHOTO By Salome Akwi A rare species of butterfly that caught my eye

You are the only one who can answer those questions and you can only get the answers when you take a step… NATURE is all around you!

Enjoy with me!!


  From a heap of old jewelry, old clothes and accessories, this is what I see.  Am I satisfied with it? Sure, I am! Many times, what one per...