Friday, 7 September 2018

Know your Limits as an employee

Written by Salome Akwi

When you are employed by someone, it means that you have to obey them no matter what. When you are employed by a friend, sometimes it is very easy to cross the line without realizing it. When it comes to personal issues, sometimes you may assume that you are talking to your friend but what you don’t realize it that, at that moment friendship does not apply; business is priority. It may seem like you are undermining them because, to you they understand your issue and you think they will always do. Wrong! No one will totally understand you and never expect them to cross the stormy seas for you all the time. At that moment they too care about making a profit, it is personal to them too, so who wins?
Sometimes you may assume that the extra effort you put in the company with developmental ideas and excellent performance is a gateway to a favor when that crucial personal issue emerges. It will not count because your emergency is irrelevant as it adds no value to the company. When you are caught between making that decision, choose wisely where your commitments lie; only that sometimes that personal issue cannot be postponed.
The penalty falls on you and you take it gladly. All is all a BOSS is always right! No matter how tight your friendship is, separate them so you can keep both relationships working. Remember as long as you are their employee trade carefully what personal things to share, for it might be taken like they are doing you a favor to employ you not knowing that your skills have kept you there in the first place.


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